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What is Religion? – The Search for the Ultimate Truth of Life

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What is religion? This question has sparked deep curiosity in the human mind since the beginning of civilization. It is not merely a belief or tradition but serves as a guiding force in human life. Religion acts as a means to establish morality, spirituality, and peace in human existence.

Today, in this article, we will explore in detail:

  • The true meaning and significance of religion
  • Its history and the role of various religions in the world
  • The importance of religion in modern society

Let’s begin our journey in search of the ultimate truth of religion.

What is religion? Video playlist

  • What Is Religion?

  • Is the Islam True Religion If Yes, How? Answered By Dr. Zakir Naik

  • Identification of Religion

    Religion is a way of life that guides humans on the path of morality, spirituality, and peace. It helps in understanding the meaning and purpose of human life and provides the right perspective in both social and personal life.

    Definition of Religion

    The word dharma originates from the Sanskrit root “dhṛ”, which means “to uphold” or “to sustain.” Religion is a way of life that influences human morality, spirituality, and a sense of responsibility toward society. It is a belief system that guides human life toward a specific purpose, path, and set of values. Every religion shares some fundamental aspects, such as belief in God or a Creator, morality, and faith in the afterlife. However, the definition and interpretation of religion may vary, but its core objective remains the same—to establish peace, justice, and prosperity in human life.

    The definition of religion may change based on cultural, spiritual, and social perspectives, but it remains an essential part of human life. It helps individuals maintain compassion, respect, and harmony within themselves and toward others.

    Definition of Religion in Various Scriptures


    The Holy Quran explicitly defines the true meaning of religion. Allah Almighty says in the Quran:
    “Indeed, the only religion acceptable to Allah is Islam.”
    (Surah Al-Imran, Ayah 19)

    Here, the word Islam means “complete submission to Allah.” The core philosophy of Islam is that human life and all actions should be conducted in obedience to the will of Allah.


    The sacred text of Hinduism, the Bhagavad Gita, defines religion through the words of Lord Krishna:
    “Religion is the path that leads a person toward their true purpose, that is, self-realization and liberation.”
    (Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 3, Verse 35)

    Here, religion is depicted as a way of righteousness and honesty, self-discipline, and achieving unity with the Divine.


    The Tripitaka, the sacred scripture of Buddhism, defines religion as the “Path of Dharma,” which helps individuals in their self-improvement and attainment of wisdom.

    “Religion is the pursuit of truth and self-surrender to achieve liberation.”
    (Tripitaka, Dhammapada)

    The core philosophy of Buddhism emphasizes mental clarity and self-awareness, guiding individuals toward concentration and self-realization.


    The Torah, the holy book of Judaism, defines religion as faith in God and the adherence to His commandments:
    “You shall walk in the ways of your Lord, who has guided you on this earth.”
    (Deuteronomy, Chapter 5)

    Here, religion encourages individuals to follow God’s path and abide by His divine commandments.


    The Bible describes the true essence of religion as:
    “Wherever you are, live according to God’s will.”
    (Bible, Ephesians 5:10)

    This emphasizes faith in God and obedience to His commandments as the ultimate purpose of life.


    The Guru Granth Sahib, the sacred scripture of Sikhism, defines religion as a spiritual and moral ideal that promotes unity and brotherhood through a life of service:

    “Religion is leading life with devotion to God and following His commands.”
    (Guru Granth Sahib, Ang 23)

    Here, the true essence of religion is attaining peace of soul through faith and surrender to God.


    The Tinkala, a sacred text of Jainism, describes religion as:
    “Religion is a respectful attitude towards all living beings and the practice of compassion toward every life form.”

    The core principle of Jainism is Ahimsa (non-violence) and showing equal respect and kindness toward all living beings.

    What is Religion? Its Role in Human Life

    Religion is an essential part of human life, forming the foundation of spiritual, moral, social, and cultural aspects. It is not just a belief or a set of rituals but serves as a guiding principle in human life. Religion provides inner peace, spiritual enrichment, and a path to eternal salvation.

    The primary purpose of religion is to establish morality and human values, fostering peace, harmony, and love within society. It acts as a strong ethical guideline for both individuals and communities, leading people toward righteousness.

    Through religion, individuals learn the significance of truth, justice, and compassion for others. It helps in making life decisions and offers necessary guidance for moral and spiritual growth.

    Religion is connected to several key aspects of human life:

    • Spiritual Growth: Religion enhances the soul and heart, encouraging individuals to connect with their Creator through faith.
    • Morality and Values: It establishes ethical and social values, promoting responsible behavior and righteousness within society.
    • Peace and Harmony: Religion provides a pathway to achieving inner peace and tranquility. It helps cultivate a peaceful environment by directing thoughts and minds toward righteousness.
    • Eternal Salvation: The ultimate goal of religion is to attain salvation, guiding individuals toward spiritual fulfillment.

    Thus, religion is not merely a belief system but a vision for life and a source of guidance. It leads individuals on the right path, ensures moral and spiritual development, and helps establish peace in society.

    Origin and History of Religion

    The origin of religion dates back to the earliest days of human civilization when the first humans appeared on Earth. Religion developed as a result of human thoughts, emotions, and the search for the meaning of life. It is not merely a matter of belief but has emerged through historical and social continuity, evolving across different cultures and nations over time and in various places.

    Primary Concepts of the Origin of Religion

    There are various theories regarding the origin of religion. Some scholars believe that religion began with early human thoughts and spiritual inquiries when humans sought to understand the mysteries of natural forces. The first humans worshipped natural elements such as the sun, sky, thunder, and fire, considering them as deities and placing their faith in them. Through this belief, they felt a sense of security and ease in their lives.

    With the birth of religion, humans developed spiritual curiosity and began attempting to understand the mysteries of creation. Thus, the earliest form of religion was nature worship or what is known as “natural religion,” through which humans established a connection with the world and nature around them.

    Development of Religion

    Over time, the concept of religion became more expanded and organized. Initially, folk beliefs and myths transformed into religious rituals and ceremonies, and later, detailed doctrines and codes of conduct were established through written scriptures.

    Among the ancient religions of the world, Hinduism, Egyptian religion, Greek religion, Roman religion, Jainism, and Buddhism are notable. Among these, Hinduism is one of the oldest religions in the world and has persisted throughout history for thousands of years.

    The Emergence of Monotheistic Religions

    The emergence of monotheistic religions began with Judaism, which later expanded through Christianity and Islam. In monotheistic religions, God is established as the one and only Almighty and the sole object of worship.

    Judaism is one of the earliest examples of monotheistic religions, where worship is dedicated to a single God. The primary scripture of this religion is the Torah.

    Christianity and Islam are the most widely spread monotheistic religions, with millions of followers worldwide. The holy book of Christianity, the Bible, and the holy book of Islam, the Quran, serve as spiritual guides for humanity.

    The Social and Cultural Role of Religion

    Religion plays a crucial role not only in spiritual life but also in social and cultural aspects. Throughout history, various civilizations have made significant progress under the influence of religion from both cultural and social perspectives. Religion has played a key role in the advancement of many civilizations.

    Religion fosters unity and a sense of peace among different nations and cultures. At the same time, it has established various religious and social customs and rituals, which continue to be reflected in many societies today.

    The Future of Religion

    The history of religion has undergone various changes across different periods worldwide. In the modern era, the role of religion has evolved significantly; however, it continues to serve as the spiritual and moral foundation of human life. In the future, religion will remain an essential part of human thought and life, though it will continue to evolve across different civilizations and cultures.

    Thus, the history of religion is a long and extensive process, blending human spiritual inquiries with social life, taking on new forms over time.

    The Rise of Religion in Ancient Civilizations

    The rise of religion in ancient civilizations primarily stemmed from humanity’s deep fear and reverence for nature. Early humans began worshiping mysterious natural forces such as thunderstorms, floods, and earthquakes, believing them to be controlling factors of life. The sun, moon, fire, water, and trees were considered sacred deities, as reflected in the worship of Ra (the Sun God) in Egyptian civilization and Inanna and Enki in Mesopotamia. At the core of ancient religious consciousness was the concept of creation, where people believed in a supernatural force as the creator of the world.

    Additionally, religious rituals and festivals were performed in agrarian societies to seek blessings for an abundant harvest. For example, in the Indus Valley Civilization, the Ganges River was worshiped as a goddess, while in Greek civilization, deities like Zeus and Poseidon symbolized different aspects of nature and life. Religion not only provided spiritual guidance but also served as a means of social unity, helping people establish an organized society. This ancient rise of religion had a profound impact on the development of human civilization, and its influence is still observed worldwide today.

    The Origin and Development of Major Religions

    The major religions of the world have originated in different regions over time and have had a significant impact on human civilization.

    Origin and Development of Islam: Islam originated in the 7th century on the Arabian Peninsula. It was introduced by the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and the Qur’an was accepted as the holy book of this religion. Islam teaches submission to Allah and advocates peace and compassion for humanity.

    Origin and Development of Hinduism: The roots of Hinduism can be traced back to around 1500 BCE in the Indus Valley Civilization. It is not based on a single founder but incorporates various philosophies, rituals, and practices developed over time. The Vedas, Upanishads, Mahabharata, and Ramayana are the primary texts of Hinduism.

    Origin and Development of Christianity: Christianity began in the 1st century BCE in Palestine. It is based on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. The Bible is the main holy book of Christianity. This religion rapidly spread across Europe and later to the entire world.

    Origin and Development of Buddhism: Buddhism originated in the 5th-6th century BCE in northern India. It is based on the teachings of Gautama Buddha. Buddhism emphasizes the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path. It has spread across various countries in Asia.

    Origin and Development of Judaism: Judaism is one of the oldest monotheistic religions in the world. It originated around 2000 BCE in the region of Israel in the Middle East. The Torah, or the Old Testament, is the main holy text of Judaism.

    The origin and development of these religions prove that religion has been a powerful means of fulfilling humanity’s spiritual and social needs. Throughout history, it has provided direction for people’s lives and helped establish the foundation of civilizations.

    The Purpose and Significance of Religion

    The purpose of religion is to establish a disciplined and ethical path in human life. It is, on one hand, a source of spiritual peace and self-confidence, and on the other, the foundation of justice and human values in society. Religion is an inseparable part of humanity’s progress, which is equally significant not only in personal life but also in social relationships. The primary aim of every religion is to guide humanity on the right path, leading them towards fulfillment and liberation.

    Religion is a process of uniting humankind, establishing peace in society, and seeking mental tranquility. It helps individuals understand the purpose of their lives and guides them toward continuous self-improvement and spiritual elevation. Religion is a force that nurtures virtues such as love, compassion, empathy, and patience deep within the human heart.

    The Purpose of Humanity and the Role of Religion

    According to religion, the purpose of humanity is to serve the Creator and follow human values. Each religion prioritizes achieving spiritual fulfillment as the primary goal of human life. Through religion, individuals can improve their own lives, help others, and ultimately live a meaningful and peaceful life.

    Religion provides guidance for people to unite for a noble purpose. It teaches individuals to be respectful and compassionate towards one another. Qualities such as morality, honesty, kindness, forgiveness, and helping others spread throughout society through religion. The foundation of human relationships is strengthened, and peace is established in society.

    Belief in the Afterlife and God

    Belief in the afterlife (Akhirah) is extremely important in every religion. Each religion contains some concept of the afterlife, i.e., the world after death, which encourages individuals to reflect on the purpose of their lives and actions.

    Perspective in Islam: In Islam, belief in the afterlife is very strong. The Quran states, “Those who believe and do righteous deeds will have Paradise, where they will dwell forever.” (Surah Al-Furqan, Ayah 77). Islam teaches that life is one and the afterlife is the real world, where individuals will reap the consequences of their deeds.

    Perspective in Christianity: In Christianity, belief in God and salvation through following Jesus Christ is emphasized. According to Christianity, the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ were for atoning humanity’s sins, and anyone who believes in God will enter heaven in the afterlife.

    Perspective in Hinduism: Hinduism holds the belief in the afterlife and reincarnation. After death, the soul moves from one place to another and is reincarnated. However, based on religious living and the law of karma, individuals experience different outcomes, leading them towards Moksha (liberation).

    Belief in the afterlife and God has a profound impact on morality and values in human life. It reminds individuals that the consequences of their actions will follow them in the afterlife, thus making it crucial to perform good deeds in this world.

    Types of Religion

    The types of religion are diverse across the world, and they are formed based on human beliefs, culture, spiritual consciousness, and tradition. Various religions worldwide, such as spirituality, belief in deities or God, charity, and dedication to morality, play a significant role in establishing human confidence, morale, and peace. The variations in religions consist of interconnected fundamental elements that serve as symbols of the prosperity and unity of human society.

    Major Religions of the World

    The major religions in the world include Islam, Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, and others. Each religion has its own spiritual beliefs, rituals, and traditions that shape the lives, social structures, and religious values of its followers.


    Islam is the second-largest religion in the world. It believes that Allah (God) is the sole Creator of the universe and that He has conveyed His divine guidance to humanity through His final messenger, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Muslims consider the Quran as the ultimate holy book of Allah and practice their faith through the Five Pillars of Islam.


    Christianity revolves around faith in God and the teachings of Jesus Christ. Christians believe that Jesus Christ suffered for the sins of humankind and that salvation is attainable through Him. The Bible is the primary religious scripture of Christianity, divided into two parts: the Old Testament and the New Testament.


    Hinduism is one of the oldest religions in the world. It believes in one supreme God who manifests in various forms and incarnations. Hindus worship deities such as Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva, and follow the concepts of reincarnation and moksha (liberation from the cycle of rebirth).


    Buddhism was founded by Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha), who taught about the causes of suffering and the path to liberation. The core teachings of Buddhism include the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path, which guide individuals toward the cessation of suffering.


    Sikhism was founded by Guru Nanak, who emphasized religious discipline, charity, and selfless service. Sikhs believe in one God and follow a life of truth, justice, and compassion.

    Regional and Ancient Religions

    Regional religions are typically practiced within a specific geographic area or community. The beliefs, rituals, and traditions of these religions are deeply connected to the culture of their respective regions.


    Jainism is an ancient religion of India. It encourages a path of non-violence and renunciation to attain liberation from suffering and turmoil. The core principles of Jainism include compassion for all living beings and adherence to truthfulness.


    Shinto is the indigenous religion of Japan, centered around the worship of nature and spirits. Shinto believes that every natural element (such as mountains, rivers, and trees) possesses a spiritual essence, and it emphasizes the importance of showing reverence toward them.


    Confucianism is an ancient Chinese philosophical tradition that emphasizes moral character, discipline, and family unity. While it is considered more of a way of life than a religion, it has had a profound cultural impact in China.


    Taoism is another ancient religion from China that focuses on living in harmony with nature and achieving inner peace. It advocates for a simple and natural way of life, guiding individuals toward spiritual balance and self-confidence.

    These religions have shaped unique cultural and spiritual traditions in different parts of the world, influencing the lives of various nations and communities.

    The Role of Religion and Its Social Impact

    Religion has had an immense influence on human life, extending from personal experiences to societal structures and the broader human civilization. It is not only significant from a spiritual perspective but also serves as the foundation for morality, values, and social relationships. In addition to guiding individual lives, religion plays a crucial role in promoting peace, justice, and prosperity at all levels of society.

    The Role of Religion in Personal Life

    Religion profoundly influences an individual’s personal life. Every religion has its own rituals, practices, and beliefs that shape the daily lives of its followers. Through religion, people develop a sense of spiritual and moral responsibility and find purpose in life. Religious beliefs help individuals attain peace, contentment, and patience.

    Following religious principles instills a sense of purity and self-confidence in personal life. Through kindness, compassion, dedication, and righteous actions in daily life, individuals pursue a path of self-purification. Religion strengthens one’s sense of brotherhood, humanity, and morality, guiding individuals toward the right path.

    Religion allows individuals to explore their inner selves and spiritual depth, providing strength during times of sorrow and crisis. Belief in God and regular prayer contribute to mental peace and patience, offering stability and resilience during life’s uncertainties and challenges.

    The Influence of Religion in Society

    Religion serves as the foundation of society and plays a vital role in establishing social principles, customs, and values. It is an integral part of fostering collective peace, justice, and healthy relationships. The influence of religion shapes the moral structure of society and guides people toward a righteous and ethical life.

    Religion helps establish social unity and cooperation by promoting love, compassion, and respect among individuals. Religious principles encourage people to assist one another, be kind, and show respect to others, which contributes to maintaining harmony and strong social relationships within the community.

    Religion also plays a crucial role in establishing social justice. In many societies, religious influence is evident, with religious institutions and leaders actively working for social justice. Sacred religious texts promote discipline, charity, and the welfare of humanity.

    The social impact of religion helps establish cultural traditions, rituals, and behavioral norms, fostering a sense of responsibility and moral discipline in society. Through religion, social cohesion, empathy, and compassion are nurtured, ultimately contributing to the betterment of humanity.

    Religion and Modern Science

    Religion and science, though distinct fields, have been intricately connected to human civilization from ancient times to the present. Religion has guided humanity on the path of spirituality, while science has made our daily lives easier, faster, and more advanced. However, the relationship between science and religion has been a subject of various debates and discussions, with differing perspectives on their coexistence and influence on each other.

    The Relationship Between Science and Religion

    The relationship between science and religion is both ancient and complex. Science explores the natural world, analyzing its rules and structures, while religion delves into spiritual beliefs, morality, and the purpose of creation. These two domains can complement each other, yet at times, differences in their perspectives lead to conflicts.

    Religion raises questions about the purpose of creation, the afterlife, and the existence of God, while science seeks to explain fundamental concepts through the study of physical and biological mysteries. However, many scientists who follow religious beliefs argue that science and religion are not necessarily contradictory. Instead, they believe that both can work together to understand the mysteries of nature and the creation of God.

    For example, figures like Ismail Hossain, Albert Einstein, and other scientists have attempted to explain the connection between science and religion through their research. Though they were scientists, they believed in the existence of a supreme power behind the creation of the universe. Even the renowned physicist Einstein once referred to science as “a reflection of God’s wisdom,” implying that while science unravels the mysteries of nature, there is a divine force behind its creation.

    The Relevance of Religion in the Modern Era

    In the modern era, with the advancement of technology and the remarkable progress of science, the relevance of religion may seem questionable to some. Many believe that due to socio-economic changes, cultural modernization, and globalization, religious practices may decline. However, in reality, the significance of religion remains immense even in contemporary times.

    Religion continues to serve as a spiritual guide, providing individuals with deep confidence and inner peace. Even in an age of scientific progress, many people follow religious principles to strengthen their mental resilience and moral values. Numerous scientists, philosophers, and intellectuals have emphasized respect for one another and the importance of human values through religious practices.

    Moreover, many people seek to achieve life’s purpose and ultimate goals through religion. While modern technology, such as social media, has introduced new ways of influencing human relationships and spiritual beliefs, it has not altered the core significance and purpose of religion. Religion remains a powerful tool for mental peace, compassion, and justice, and it will continue to play a vital role in the future.

    Therefore, no matter how advanced science and technology become, the relevance of religion in human life will never diminish. Rather, it will continue to enrich and stabilize human morality and spirituality.

    The Reality and Criticism of Religion

    Religion has been an integral part of human civilization for centuries, influencing people’s lives in numerous ways. It has shaped human beliefs, behaviors, morality, and spiritual awareness. However, religion has also been subject to misconceptions and misuse, leading to criticism over time. There are diverse perspectives among people regarding the global status and reality of religion.

    Misconceptions About Religion

    Various misconceptions about religion often spread within society, leading to confusion in people’s spiritual lives. Due to a lack of proper understanding, many individuals or communities perceive religion merely as a part of tradition or culture, disregarding its true purpose and significance.

    One common misconception is that religion is only associated with a particular culture and is not relevant to human needs. However, true religion helps establish a philosophy of life, morality, and spirituality. Many times, religion is mistaken for certain religious rituals or social customs, whereas its actual goal is to nurture the soul and guide individuals on a righteous path.

    Other misconceptions include the misuse of religion for political power, influence, or dominance, as well as the belief that followers of one religion are superior to those of another. Such misunderstandings contradict the fundamental purpose of religion and create divisions among people.

    Misuse of Religion and Its Consequences

    Although the primary purpose of religion is the moral development of individuals and the achievement of spiritual peace, religion is often misused. Some people exploit religion for their own interests, which goes against the true teachings of religion.

    The misuse of religion can create religious hatred in society, which disrupts peace and unity. For instance, some religious groups try to impose their beliefs on others, leading to conflict and violence. Throughout history, the misapplication of religious views and beliefs has caused wars, injustice, and oppression, which have harmed humanity as a whole.

    While the misuse of religion harms social unity, it also creates communal divisions among people. However, it is true that the true teachings and purpose of religion are rooted in humanity, tolerance, and peace, which can inspire followers of all religions to unite.

    Furthermore, some religious leaders or institutions attempt to expand their influence in society using religion, which can damage people’s trust in religion and its core purpose. When such misuses spread in society, people’s faith in religion diminishes, and religious spirituality faces criticism.

    Thus, the misuse of religion can create divisions and instability in society, which makes it essential for everyone to correctly understand the essence of religion and follow its true purpose.

    Secularism and Atheism

    Secularism and atheism are two significant perspectives that have had a profound impact on the role of religion in society and people’s spiritual consciousness. Secularism seeks to separate the influence of religion from society, while atheism denies religious belief and expresses doubt about the existence of God. These two concepts have played an important role in the evolution of human civilization and social structures.

    Secularism: Progress or Decline of Society?

    Secularism is a viewpoint in which religion is separated from state and social structures. The core objective of this concept is to limit the influence of religion in society so that the state or society can remain free from religious bias. Many believe that secularism leads to societal progress because it respects the religious freedom of every individual and encourages tolerance and diversity within society.

    Secularism is generally seen as positive for individual freedom, human rights, and social development. It does not impose pressure on people’s religious beliefs but rather encourages respect for all opinions and lifestyles. As a result, it fosters respect and tolerance between different religions, cultures, and nations, which can be conducive to social stability.

    However, some critics argue that secularism can detach religion from society in a one-sided manner, which may devalue the spiritual aspects of human life. Moreover, it might hinder the development of morality and values based on religious principles. According to some, the diminishing role of religion in a secular society could lead to the absence of deep spiritual or moral purpose in people’s lives, which might result in the decline of society.

    The Rise of Atheism and Its Impact

    Atheism is a perspective where belief in God or religious faith is denied. Atheism fundamentally questions traditional religious beliefs and the existence of God. It began in the 17th century and has particularly expanded in the modern era, especially as interest in scientific thinking and reasoning grew.

    The rise of atheism is deeply connected with the emergence of modern science, philosophical thought, and human rights movements. From a scientific viewpoint, many atheists express doubt about the existence of God due to the inability to provide logical proof. They prioritize reason, evidence, and scientific research over religious beliefs.

    However, atheism has its critics. According to some religious leaders, atheism may have a harmful impact on the morality and human values of society. Many atheists claim that people can behave morally and build a healthy society without religion, but in parts of society where religion’s role has diminished, there may be an increase in neglect, hatred, and criminal tendencies among some individuals.

    Similarly, it is crucial to maintain the right balance between atheism and religious beliefs within society. When the natural role of religion diminishes, the spiritual peace and moral development of individuals in society can become uncertain.

    Conclusion: The Essence of Religion

    Religion is an inseparable part of human life that influences belief in the Creator, the practice of spirituality, and living a moral life. The proper adherence to religion helps guide human life on the right path and plays a crucial role in ensuring peace, love, and the development of humanity in society. It is extremely important to spread the message of religious freedom, tolerance, and peace in human society, so that people can live together with empathy, tolerance, and mutual understanding.

    The Call to Return to the Creator’s Path

    The core purpose of religion is to establish a relationship with the Creator and walk on the path He has laid out. Every religion calls upon humanity to surrender to God and live an honest life. Islam, Hinduism, Christianity, and other religions encourage belief in the Creator and living according to His principles. The peace, love, and development of humanity embedded in religion help guide people on the right path.

    Every religion aims to instill a sense of dependence on God in people’s hearts and encourages them to structure their daily lives with that purpose in mind. Each religion sets a specific goal and purpose for humanity, creating constructive and peaceful ways for people to return to the Creator’s path.

    The Essence of Religion: Peace, Love, and the Development of Humanity

    The essence of religion is peace, love, and the development of humanity. Every religion encourages people to practice empathy, good conduct, and human values. The main objective of religion is to establish peace and create loving relationships among people.

    The teachings of religion are extremely important for human society, as they provide lessons in morality, good conduct, and respect for one another. When the core objectives of religion are reflected in people’s lives, a society of peace, tolerance, and healthy relationships is created. Religious teachings play a supportive role not only in the spiritual development of individuals but also in their physical and mental well-being.

    The essence of religion enriches humanity and is extremely important for shaping the world into a peaceful, tolerant, and happy place.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    What is religion?

    Religion is a system or way of life that governs a person’s spiritual, moral, social, and behavioral aspects. It is established based on belief and devotion to God or the Creator to guide human life on the right path.

    Why is religion important?

    Religion establishes a moral framework in human life, creates an environment of peace and understanding in social life, and helps in the spiritual well-being of individuals. It provides a person with a sense of purpose in life, belief in the Creator, and wisdom for living.

    What is the purpose of religion?

    The purpose of religion is to guide human life on the right path, follow the Creator’s guidance, and establish peace, love, and human values in society.

    Can religion and science coexist?

    Religion and science are complementary to each other. While religion addresses the spiritual life and values of humans, science provides knowledge about the physical laws of the world and nature. When religion and science are followed with respect and tolerance, together they can contribute to the advancement of human society.

    What is the relevance of religion in modern society?

    The relevance of religion in modern society remains intact. Although technology and science have simplified many aspects of human life, religion still helps to shape the spiritual and moral aspects of life. Religion teaches humanity, empathy, and the value of compromise, which helps maintain peace and stability in society.

    What is atheism and what impact can it have on society?

    Atheism is a perspective that denies the existence of God or any supernatural power. Some people believe that atheism can help promote free thought and reason in society, but it can also create debates with religious people and challenge the maintenance of religious tolerance and respect.

    What is secularism and why is it important?

    Secularism is a position where the influence of religion is minimized in the state and society. It aims to build a society based on equal respect for all religions and social justice. Secularism gives equal rights and opportunities to people of all religions in society.

    What is the misuse of religion?

    The misuse of religion refers to the misinterpretation or wrongful use of religious beliefs and rules that create unrest, violence, or division among people. Misunderstanding of religion can cause confusion in society and lead to dangers for social order and peace.

    Can the existence of religion be proven by science?

    Science cannot prove the existence of religion because religion is based on spiritual beliefs. However, religion plays an important role in human internal peace, social relationships, and human values, which may not be directly provable, but its impact is deeply felt.

    How can religion change a person’s life?

    Religion helps guide a person on the right path. It assists an individual in understanding their purpose and goals and encourages the development of human qualities like love, empathy, kindness, and justice. Religious teachings help guide people towards spiritual peace, happiness, and liberation in the afterlife.

    Farhat Khan

    Farhat Khan

    Islamic Thinker, Researcher

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