5 Tips to Improve your Mental Health

Sadhguru: These are two things which are going completely unused in today’s world. This is the main reason for depression. If you had to do only physical jobs, you eat one way; mental things, another way. So eating the right kind of food becomes very necessary.


That means you are in ill-health or you’re heading  there quickly, both physical and psychological.  If this is achieved, you have reasonably complete  human beings, who’ll live their life fully.

The word ‘health’ comes from the root word  ‘whole,’ that means feeling healthy means to be  complete, a sense of wholeness within ourselves.  For this to happen, our body should be vibrant,  our physical energies must be  vibrant, our mind must be joyful,  emotion must be exuberant – only  then you feel a sense of wholeness.Essentially within the human being there is  a certain allotment of energy for action, 

certain allotment of energy for intellect, certain  allotment of energy for emotion, like this there  are various allotments. This differs from person  to person. But generally the amount of energy  allotted for… particularly for physical action and  emotional dimension, these are two things which  are going completely unused in today’s world. This  is the main reason for depression, believe me.

Any number of children that they bring  to me with all kinds of mental ailments,  I just tell them first thing is, some sport that  they like, swimming, tennis, something and music.

These two things you bring into  their life, within three months,  most of the children, eighty to eighty-five  percent of the children will recover  quite wonderfully because without finding  expression to their emotional dimension and if…  without finding enough exertion for the physical  body, they are bound to become depressive.Today, it’s become like this, sunrise  means they watch it on the phone screen,  sunset means they watch it on  the phone screen. Yes (Laughs).

psychological health

So losing connection with all that supports  and manages our life is going to be a serious  challenge of the future. But this is one  thing that you can do if you have children,  vacation means don’t take  them to Mumbai, Bangalore,  Dubai, some other place, just  take them, walk them in the jungle  or take them on a small boat out there or  whatever, some exposure to nature is needed.  You will see how excited children will  get and how involved they will become.  You need to understand this, your physical…  your physiological and psychological health 

can be very easily managed if you are in  touch with the elements of nature, of water,  soil, light and things like that. If the more  exposed you are, the more balanced you are  both physiologically and psychologically,  which must happen to every human being.In this country, we made food like this. If you  had to do only physical jobs, you eat one way;  mental things, another way; but today none of  us are in that condition, we have to be both  physically sharp and mentally sharp, isn’t  it? That exclusivity of just physical work  and mental work is gone. All of us need  to be physically good and mentally good.

So eating the right kind of  food becomes very necessary.  Particularly, some of the things which are very,  very positive are the ash gourd – if you consume  a glass of ash gourd juice every day, you will  see clearly the sharpness of your intellect  will enhance itself, you will be mentally  much sharper than the way you are right now.

Especially children must drink ash gourd juice.  Daily consumption of ash gourd, you will see  distinctly your mind seems to be clearer and  sharper. This will be noticeable within  a few weeks of consumption of ash gourd.If you drink coffee, it gives you energy with  agitation. You drink a glass of ash gourd juice,  it gives you enormous amount of energy. At  the same time it keeps you very, very calm.

things different  bodies have different levels of efficiency

Daily consumption of honey can do wonderful  things to you. Especially if you have children at  home, make honey culture part of your thing.  Psychological stability, physical well-being,  vitality, all these things can be greatly  enhanced, simply consuming daily honey.Do you know whatever cleansing process that  happens in the body, whether emptying your bowels  or emptying your bladder or exhalation or sweat –  these are all different ways, the body is trying  to clean itself – in all these things different  bodies have different levels of efficiency.

If you are in good health, if you are in very  good health and if you’re eating the right  kind of food, when you empty your bowels,  nothing, not a speck should remain in your  colon, everything should be gone. In yoga that’s  very, very important, the colon being clean,  otherwise it’ll get into your head, really. Your  colon not clean and psychological disturbances  are very directly connected. In the yogic  understanding of life, after you wake up,

within twenty minutes, naturally if the  bowels don’t empty themselves completely  that means you are in ill-health or you’re  heading there quickly, both physical and  psychological. It could be either depending upon  whichever is weakest in you will break first.First thing if you go to an ayurvedic  doctor, whatever your problem,

first thing is he will purge you. Because  keeping the colon clean is very important. There are only four things with you right now  that you can make use of – your body, your mind,  your emotion and your energy. If you manage  these four things well, they will produce a  certain level of life for you. If you have  a healthy body, you will live in one way.

If you have a very stable and sharp  mind, you’ll live another way.  If you have stable and exuberant emotions, you’ll  live another way. If you have a very effervescent  sense of energy, which is also balanced  at the same time, you live another way.  Now, for most human beings, who are in different…  various levels of activity in their life, they  need all these four things to be in a reasonably  good shape. So Inner Engineering is trying  to cater to that, as to how to bring a human  being to physical health, mental peace and joy,  emotional stability and exuberance and highly  effervescent energy and balance within themselves.

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